Saturday, April 07, 2007

Robot Atake

Look what I found! Aural pleasure. ;-)

Seriously, I found this in the garbage last week on the way to work! It was sitting there in the rain...looking all lonely at the side of the road with a CD player as well. I let them dry off for a couple days and then tried them out. The CD player is totally FUBAR'ed, but the receiver works brilliantly. It is a 5 channel surround sound receiver that is probably about 10 or 12 years old, but it does the trick for us. I've already watched Matrix Revolutions (awesome on this setup) and as a family we watched Aladdin. I ran the rear surround speaker wires through the joists last night, so it looks good too. I think I need a proper centre channel with magnetic shielding, though. Right now the speaker sits on the floor so as not to wreck the TV.
Surround sound is cool.


This is the "artwork wall" which is mostly A's stuff, but E has some up there too. Lately he has been making 'comic books'. See future posts for one of these gems. They are forewarned though...they might need a little creative interpretation (spelling is a little interesting).

This is one of E's Pokémon cards that he drew.

The kids' new favourite thing to do...for hours! They are very creative and in fact make their own designs (like the 'aliens' you can see here). You just heat them briefly with an iron (wax paper in between) and the plastic beads all stick together.

Some more creations!

Something is wrong with these pictures.

Ain't right. Just ain't right. I mean it's great that there are birds, but what's up with the grass?!?!?!!!

Spring is here...I think.

I saw this guy out the side window over the kitchen sink. Actually he was one of nine (!!) that I saw out this little portion of the sideyard. Yesterday, H saw no less than twenty (!!!!!!) of these guys hopping around the backyard, along with 10 grey-eyed juncos, 4 mourning doves, 2 blue jays, and some chickadees. Whoa! I can't help but think of that scene from Ace Ventura when Jim Carey sings as the birds flock to him in his apartment.

The sleddin' hill

This was our sledding hill that we built in the backyard (this was taken at the beginning of March). The kids actually made it all the way down into the ditch from this!!! Lots of fun...but it is gone now.