Friday, October 06, 2006

Woodstoves are the best, well the most fun anyway

So we have been using our woodstove a lot recently...the nights are getting quite a bit cooler. They have been hovering around 2-3 degrees at night time, so the house goes down to about 18 degrees by morning.

Just stick a few logs in the woodstove and let the place warm up!!! One evening last week, the family room was a sweltering 26.5 should have seen how warm the basement family room was... yeek. It was hot.

Brian and I calculated that we likely have just less than two whole cords of firewood. A whole cord is defined as 8 feet x 4 feet x 4 feet = 128 cubic feet. We have a stack of about 15 feet long, 3 feet wide and 4.5 feet high...

Luckily oil has not been too expensive, although, fuel oil costs significantly less than gasoline. It was about 69.9 cents/L.

It's been gorgeous here lately... notice the maple is turning colours now. Most of the oak leaves have fallen from the fencerow at the back.

1 comment:

Speaka said...

...that looks hot!