Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our new killing, fungal friend

So we have been finding loads of these mushrooms on our property. I have been removing about 3-10 every other day. My mom identified them as Amanita virosa, the 'Destroying Angel' which is only the most poisonous mushroom in the world. These pcitures are of an older specimen and the younger ones are exactly as they appear on the Wikipedia site and many others. We were not too happy. Oh well, I guess we are happy that we have so much natural diversity that we can have such abberant mushrooms as this. It's just a big concern to watch the kids closely so that we know they aren't going anywhere near them.

A isn't afraid of much right now, so this is a difficult thing to convince her not to touch them, especially since all she knows are edible mushrooms, which she has decided that she loves.

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