Monday, July 10, 2006

The weekend with T, H, E, A, G, A, C, S, N, and Y

H's mom and stepdad came down for the weekend and parked their trailer on our driveway (with lots of room to spare). We had many-a-BBQ and many great chats. We spent all weekend outside and I used the riding mower for the first time. It is an 18 hp 42" Toro...the grass was pretty long, so it took a bit over two hours to cut. Ended up using about 6 litres of gas. There's still a lot of raking to do to get the clippings up. We met our next door neighbours on the east side. He is a building inspector and she is a teacher, they have a 3 year old and 2 Siberian huskies too! Nice people. We probably chatted with them for about 15 minutes.

H and I (by ourselves!) went to the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young concert. It was AWESOME. Those guys are so talented. The first set that they played was mostly new stuff from Neil Young's new album. They got cheered back on after the intermission and played some wicked awesome acoustic songs. Most of the second set were their older, classic ones — their harmonizes are amazing. They are great all together and also individually. Graham Nash and Steven Stills sang Guinevere and it was earth-moving. There were also several anti-dubyah/anti-war songs which received a lot of audience support. Steven Stills did a great blues song with lots of feeling in it too. It was pretty funny, but H and I were tired at about 9:15...shortly after the concert started...and it went until was a late night for us.

When they finished up they got cheered back on by standing ovation and screams/whistles and cheers. It was downright deafening! My ears were ringing from it! The place was pretty much packed.

H's mom and stepdad looked after the kids for us and then we came home and basically said goodnight!


Speaka said...

That must've been an amazing experience.

Drakadooey said...
