Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We're off to see the wizard...

I was away last week to give a presentation to an industry group...crazy weather. One night it was bloody cold, then next morning it was pouring rain, then later it was the WINDIEST ever. It was so powerful, that I was literally stopped in my tracks and could not move forward. At some points I felt as though I could have been lifted right off the ground. I was right downtown, so it could have been a 'wind-tunnel' effect.

Later that day, there were two massive 40+ car pileups that resulted in several deaths as a result of freezing rain on the major highways. Luckily I had taken the train down and I continued home without incident...

A is now just eating like a bird. I swear that all she lives on it milk and the occasional (like one or two a day) snack. She's been really "two" the past week or so. I guess that's why kids are so cute. E was speaking French for us a few days ago...WOW...he has an AMAZING accent. And he has a lot of vocabulary as well!!!

We are trying to move the closing dates up on all the deals for our house and the new house so that we can move in the beginning of July rather than August...we'll see!!!

I finally installed my fuel computer in my car. It should be significantly better on gas and more powerful too...I know, I know...I'm crazy. Installing it involved contortionist types of manoevering and painful crouched positions for several hours in the cold. I love soldering in the winter. Really. I do. I guess that's why I bought a bunch of speakers on eBay as well and I'll need to solder them in too...


Speaka said...

I know what you mean...sometimes cuteness is the only thing that saves 'em.

Drakadooey said...

or sleep apnea! ;)

blank said...

I'm so jealous of E. I really want Julia to learn french. I have no excuse really..I know..I should speak to her but it's such a chore..gosh I'm selfish.
Anywho..two year olds are great..so are 4 and 6 year old..imagine when our youngest is 4..we can sleep in!! woohoo!! ramble ramble..sorry. Take care..hugs to all, Nat

Drakadooey said...

hey nat, julia is great at speaking French...I'm sure she and you would enjoy it.

sleeping in...good. I don't mind the rambling at all! Nice to hear from ya!
