Friday, February 03, 2006

More showings and some feedback.

So, one woman came through and thought it needs 15,000 in windows and carpet. Well, maybe. If we installed 24 karat gold windows and silk carpets. Maybe realistically it could be 8,000. Whatever. She's obviously not interested. She'll see that we priced ours with that in mind anyway.

The next person through was from out of 'country' folk out of town. They thought that the traffic was too loud. There is a street about 150 metres away. Pretty far if you ask me. Why are they moving into the city if they are complaining about traffic noise that is so far? Oh well.

The next one after that hasn't commented at all.

So, we have two more showings on Saturday (tomorrow) and one on Sunday. It's certainly making us keep our place very tidy. I just spent the better part of two evenings steam cleaning the main floor carpets. I hope that they will dry in time for the viewings...otherwise I'll just leave a note to take off their socks and then dry their feet with a papertowel when they leave... ;-) H has been sick, so she is working as hard as she can to keep it clean...but I know she's exhausted.

A didn't nap today. Man, she was cranky all evening. She's very two.

E got some money from H's Nana and my parents and bought a "Pokeball" which has a whole bunch of blocks in it which can be used to build all kinds of different Pokemon characters. He's very excited and built two already tonight. EDIT: E also bought a Batman book for his Leap Pad and has been playing it almost constantly. Thanks guys!


Speaka said...

I think that during our showings was the only time our house stayed tidy for that long. Wishing H well. Two year olds are fun, eh?!
Did E build Charzar? Hope you are well too!

Thanks for the update!!

Drakadooey said...

Tidy is nice and seems easy now, but with no incentive (showings), it seems difficult.

He built Torchick and some other big firebreathing poultry type.

blank said...

Stressful times..I remember those. It does feel great to have a tidy house though. Good luck and keep your spirits up..deep'll manage.
Love N