Monday, July 25, 2005

my back hurts & the new clutch rocks the casbah

so it was really nice weather on the weekend. cool air and clear skies!! so nice that it wasn't roasting like previously. i did some gardening, cleaned up the garage, put up some shelves (in the garage and inside too). all in all a good time. however, i did hurt my back from lifting the engine into the car. seems to be getting better now.

so, i did a clutch drop over the weekend...i revved it up to about 5000, then let out the clutch pedal really quickly...and it chirped the front tires and then took off like a rocket.

the old clutch had no hope of doing that...what a sorry, tired old thing. i think i'll have to slip the clutch a little bit to preserve the drivetrain. good to know that there is some decent clamping power in there now.

i think that i need to get the fuel going seems to pull the timing like crazy when it gets warm. i need to log that thing!! as soon as i get my logger back, i hope to solve that problem and get the boost turned back up! i am only running it at about 8 psi right now...*sigh*.

maybe i should see if i have an EPROM ecu...that would make things much easier.

1 comment:

Drakadooey said...


No EPROM...waaaaaahh!!!!