Tuesday, July 19, 2005

it's still hot hot hot...

it feels like rain on my clothes, but there is nothing falling out of the sky, it's allllll humidity. i come out of work all cool and then the heat hits me and all the moisture in the air condenses on my skin and clothes... like a mushy banana in saran wrap.

the last few times that i got into my car i have burned my hand on the metal shift knob...ouch! it stays hot for a long time too! i'll need to take a little baggie of ice into the car or something.

we are hoping to have some relief soon as it's pretty frustrating to be so cooped up some days.

if you are somewhere cool...enjoy it!

1 comment:

Speaka said...

mushy banana in saran wrap...ha ha...yuck.

Great to hear your car is back and driving well. I enjoyed the brakes story...the suspense..the success...